Hey there!! I hope all has been well for you since my last post!!
I totally missed postings for Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Halloween was a blurr for me... After finishing up some overalls and then having "One of THOSE Days" with a screw in my tire and many errands to run, I was able to bust out 4 costumes, hair & make-up for the four of us in less than 3 hours. I think that is a record for me!! (Cailey, Lauren, Lindsey and Myself)

*No picture of me.... hee hee. I was a Cave woman as well, only dorky. :0)The Babin's All Staff Meeting was the Saturday before and our teams chose themes to dress as. My Team (Chrisies team) dressed as Pirates. We won the challege, of course, and my costume came in second place to Emeril Lagasse (SP) with a cool $50 prize!!

Thanksgiving was spent at Gramma and Grampas house, in usual fashion! No pictures, sorries. I must have had too much wine!With those holidays out of the way, it is time to get ready for Christmas and start working extra shifts at Babin's. (Babin's sure seems to be the center of my world, eh? Well, in March I will have worked there for 10 years. Everyone, there, including MANY of my guests, are like family to me. So, yep, Babin's plays a significant role in my world!)This year I had to create another Sleigh to be pulled by our giant fish in the middle of the dining room at B's. I start with random large boxes, tape and hot glue. Here is my creation!

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this little Krafty excerpt from my daily life. I know I enjoy it.Have a happy day!!!
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