I have been in such a need to just get away, if even for just 2 days, and I finally did!!
A friend of hubs has this *beach* house (not actually ON the beach, but 3 mins away) in Port O'Connor, Texas. He offered it to our family for any weekend we wanted. We planned it and got out of our Katy house without a hitch.... Almost.
So, we took two vehicles for comfort and so we could bring Rosie-Pants. :0)
I drove the Girlz car; Lauren, Lindsey, Rosie and I. Scott and Shane took the Dodge PU. Following the Boyz, about two hours into the drive, I realized I left the big black bag at home on my bed. It contained ALL of "Us Girlz" clothing, undies, swim suits....
I remembered all the food, batteries, dog food, trash bags.... You name it, I got it. But not MY stuff. LOL We only had the clothing on our backs. Flip flops.
First night there, Shane and I got out and about to find the pier, the beach... a STORE. We found it all. But trying to find the house was a joke. I got to a stop sign and was signaling to make a left, changed my mind, and flipped the signal to right. As I turned the wheel, the blinker must have clicked off, cuz a minute later, behind me in the darkness was police lights.
?????? What the....????
*wiped the sweat off my brow*
I played my tourist hand, 'cuz thats the truth and all I got. I drove away with a warning. And white knuckles. And I made sure to exaggerate my signals at every turn.
Saturday morning the girls and I rose early and set out around town to question the local gals about finding swim suits for ourselves. (The house is equipped with a washer and dryer.... I can deal with that!) We were pointed into the direction of Sisters Gift Shop. When we found it, I was worried. It looked too tiny to offer anything that would fit, much less afford.
Ahhhhhh. One should NEVER judge a book by its cover!!

LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the blue with yellow trim!!!
At 9:21 AM, Kathy Hoskins was outside, between the 2 buildings that makes the shop so unique. Realizing I was yet one more lost tourist, she offered help. Directions to the nearest Walmart, 60 miles away. She saw the terror on my face and invited us in to look around. 39 mins before opening time.
Kathy showed me three suits, but only one was my size. Pink. Ruffles. Bikini. Little. Never.
I tried it on. It fit PERFECT!! And, I think I looked FAB-U-LOUS!! LMAO
Lins got a cute little bikini, and Lauren decided on a pair of boys surf shorts with a tank. Ca-Ute!!
The best thing?? Kathy and her sister, Teresa Gonzales, own this incredible little Boutique and have created a place where EVERY girl NEEDS to shop. They get in new stuff every week and the prices are better than reasonable. I was afraid my cute little pink bikini was going to cost a fortune, but when I saw it was only $18, I was ready to buy the white one too!! (I'll be getting that suit when we go back!) Gonna sock away a few nights pay at Babin's for the next trip so I can go s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g!

The beach was fun. Not crowded. Dogs. Moms. Kids. Locals. I had a nice conversation with a woman from Sugarland. Sure makes me wish we could afford 2 homes. I could live in POC June through August. Easily. Honest. I really could. The people I met were more than nice. Like meeting a family I never knew I had.
I can't wait to go back.
So.... That's pretty much it. We BBQed some burgers and Shan''s 6 pack of Mangrove Snapper. Ate in style with lots of flavor.

Rose brought all the boy dogs in the neighborhood over to our yard, with her girly scent. THAT was interesting.
The drive home was interesting to say the least. Our previous drive to get there, was over 3 hours. Home? 2 hours, 25 mins. 75 all the way. I still have a cramp in my calf. LOL I put more highway miles in this weekend than I have in 3 years total. LOL I miss traveling.
Enjoy my photos. I'm smiling whilst I post them!
A friend of hubs has this *beach* house (not actually ON the beach, but 3 mins away) in Port O'Connor, Texas. He offered it to our family for any weekend we wanted. We planned it and got out of our Katy house without a hitch.... Almost.
So, we took two vehicles for comfort and so we could bring Rosie-Pants. :0)
I drove the Girlz car; Lauren, Lindsey, Rosie and I. Scott and Shane took the Dodge PU. Following the Boyz, about two hours into the drive, I realized I left the big black bag at home on my bed. It contained ALL of "Us Girlz" clothing, undies, swim suits....
I remembered all the food, batteries, dog food, trash bags.... You name it, I got it. But not MY stuff. LOL We only had the clothing on our backs. Flip flops.
First night there, Shane and I got out and about to find the pier, the beach... a STORE. We found it all. But trying to find the house was a joke. I got to a stop sign and was signaling to make a left, changed my mind, and flipped the signal to right. As I turned the wheel, the blinker must have clicked off, cuz a minute later, behind me in the darkness was police lights.
?????? What the....????
*wiped the sweat off my brow*
I played my tourist hand, 'cuz thats the truth and all I got. I drove away with a warning. And white knuckles. And I made sure to exaggerate my signals at every turn.
Saturday morning the girls and I rose early and set out around town to question the local gals about finding swim suits for ourselves. (The house is equipped with a washer and dryer.... I can deal with that!) We were pointed into the direction of Sisters Gift Shop. When we found it, I was worried. It looked too tiny to offer anything that would fit, much less afford.
Ahhhhhh. One should NEVER judge a book by its cover!!
LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the blue with yellow trim!!!
At 9:21 AM, Kathy Hoskins was outside, between the 2 buildings that makes the shop so unique. Realizing I was yet one more lost tourist, she offered help. Directions to the nearest Walmart, 60 miles away. She saw the terror on my face and invited us in to look around. 39 mins before opening time.
Kathy showed me three suits, but only one was my size. Pink. Ruffles. Bikini. Little. Never.
I tried it on. It fit PERFECT!! And, I think I looked FAB-U-LOUS!! LMAO
Lins got a cute little bikini, and Lauren decided on a pair of boys surf shorts with a tank. Ca-Ute!!
The best thing?? Kathy and her sister, Teresa Gonzales, own this incredible little Boutique and have created a place where EVERY girl NEEDS to shop. They get in new stuff every week and the prices are better than reasonable. I was afraid my cute little pink bikini was going to cost a fortune, but when I saw it was only $18, I was ready to buy the white one too!! (I'll be getting that suit when we go back!) Gonna sock away a few nights pay at Babin's for the next trip so I can go s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g!
The beach was fun. Not crowded. Dogs. Moms. Kids. Locals. I had a nice conversation with a woman from Sugarland. Sure makes me wish we could afford 2 homes. I could live in POC June through August. Easily. Honest. I really could. The people I met were more than nice. Like meeting a family I never knew I had.
I can't wait to go back.
So.... That's pretty much it. We BBQed some burgers and Shan''s 6 pack of Mangrove Snapper. Ate in style with lots of flavor.
Rose brought all the boy dogs in the neighborhood over to our yard, with her girly scent. THAT was interesting.
The drive home was interesting to say the least. Our previous drive to get there, was over 3 hours. Home? 2 hours, 25 mins. 75 all the way. I still have a cramp in my calf. LOL I put more highway miles in this weekend than I have in 3 years total. LOL I miss traveling.
Enjoy my photos. I'm smiling whilst I post them!
Hermit Crab Hnting
Lone Hermit Crab on the beach.
Mmmmm. Rock Crab.
Hee-hee. Pink Bikini. :0)
My real reason why I love POC so much?? They named a street after me.
Looks like so much fun...we are in need of a vaca too! Sorry it's been so long since I've written. Little Bella is a busy little girl...