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Custom Homecoming Overalls closed 2019

Custom Homecoming Overalls will be closed for the 2019 season. I am in the process of making studio changes and revaluation of my business. ...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

CPSIA SALE at KraftyMommas Boutique!!!

Due to the CPSIA Law as it stands, ALL KraftyMommas IN STOCK items are being closed out!! I will be listing all of my finished items, ready to ship on my website!! Go see if you can steal a deal!!
KraftyMommas Boutique
*Please be assured that all KMB products are LEAD FREE.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

CPSIA Make Ya Laugh *Cartoon*


"Wanna buy a Handmade Sock Monkey?"

Cartoon Courtesy of Tim Kastellic, Babin's Katy

Monday, December 15, 2008

*Happy Dance* CPSIA & CPSA has decided to let us have a word!!!

Oh, this has made my day!!
(Thank you VESTA!!! member of the Fashion Incubator)
The CPSA has posted a page to read and then email your thoughts on Component Testing!!!


Do it, I say!!!
Let 'em know. This our chance (hell must've frozen over) to be heard. Cuz I think they finally realized we were talking about them behind their backs.
Oh, happy day!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Losing Faith

As I was in my cute little shop today, sewing some lounge pants together, for children under 12, I smiled. Then I blubbered up and lost a few tears.
Looking around me..... at so many talented designers clothing, handbags, booties, scarves, hairbows....
So much talent. So much work. So many consumers who want the handmade touch.

After catching up on blogs & forums last night, I realized how much this CPSIA crap is really going to hit come February.
No one gives a darn about the little cottage companies. The faith I found in some places changed overnight.
It's not just "Kid stuff" anymore.
The government wants EVERYTHING tested.
Everything except the very carpet my 2 girls crawled on for months, the pillows on their beds, the pencils with LEAD in them.
Guess my girls will have to go back to cribs to keep from the danger of lead.
I should pull them out of public school, for fear a pencil may enter their mouth while studying.
How about the carpet they just put in over the summer? I know that with the durability it has, there has to be SOME chemical in it to preserve the color, to make it dry fast and to make it last. Those chemicals will make my kids just as sick as if I were to make them some appliqued jeans, or a twirlie skirt from some zebra fabric at Hobby Lobby.
How quickly things change when you finally think things are going in the right direction.
Last year at this time, I was almost ready to throw in the towel on my little shop, because my location relied so much on another business on the same lot.
I fixed THAT by moving to a Victorian House with my windows overlooking a very busy street. Everyone knows where the Pink Zebra is now!!
Now this hurdle, testing for lead by sending it to a third party laboratory..... *shaking my head*
I cannot afford it. I really do not think any of my designers can afford it.
I am trying so hard not to give up. I need to see what the new year brings. I need to have faith. I need to be positive.
But I also have to be realistic and realize that the whole bill won't be changed to a point where the little guys like me will ever have chance.
No more Boutique, no more craft shows, no more handmade gifts for the new babies.
I am so sad.
Wanna help??
Look to your right>>> Over there>>At the top>>
Go vote to make a change on this bill.
Then I want you to sign this on line PETITION
After that, please, email your local reps HERE (the verbiage is already there, just fill in your name and stuff)
We'll start there and I hope you all will do these things. Every single thing helps, whether you make handmade or buy handmade or just simply like me!! LOL
:0) Trevor

Thursday, December 11, 2008

In the Meantime....

This thing with CPSIA is consuming me. I mean entirely.
I found someone who has been greatly educated on the law. Her name is Kathleen and she has written publicly on all the aspects. She even has invited people like me, the small time manufacturer of children's clothing to her forum. The forum has awesome information from people way more educated than I, and with much longer arms than I.
Her posts are found here.
After researching so much and learning so much ,my brain is literally hurting (maybe from the awesome headcold my kids gave me?) but I cannot seem to get my nose out of the computer.
I applaud Kathleen for all her diligent work. I am sure she will be the one who makes a difference in this matter.
Thank you, Kathleen!!!

PS. I have emailed letters to all 3 of my Texas Senators, Oprah, the ladies of The View, Martha Stewart... All these women, esp Martha would be excellent spokeswomen for this cause!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

CPSIA??? No More Handmade??

This is all still new and a bit confusing to me, but evidently, sometime in August, George Bush signed a Bill regarding CHILDREN's clothing, accessories & toys.
Here is what I understand.
Due to all of China's mess-ups with LEAD content in toys and unsafe additives (like plastic!!!) to baby formula, the United States has decided that any item for children under 12 that a child will touch (including clothing that will go on their bodies) will have to be MANDATORILY TESTED for several chemicals, including lead and phthalates (a plastic). There are more things, I am sure, but I can't think of them right now.
Anyhow, this affects so many WAHM's who have chosen to stay home to raise their children (not letting the Daycare do it) and "Craft" as a business. And, it affects ME, twofold. I have my own line of baby and children's clothing, blankets and what-not's, but I also OWN the Pink Zebra which showcases 12 Handmade Designer's items. All of these Mom's who sell at the PZB help to support their families and rely on their skills and creativity to make a paycheck.
Is it fair for the Legislation to make this Bill and put us all out of business??
Heck NO!!
I want to be there for my kids as they grow up, I NEED to raise my kids on a daily basis.
I can do this with the *job* I have now, one I have worked for 8 years to become successful at.
Another twist.
I have been reading about many European Toy Companies who supply us with "natural" toys (wooden learning toys, for example) that have decided to pull out of the US because of this bill. The cost of having each individual toy tested would far outweigh any thought of profits for these eductaional, manipulative toys.
Sad, so sad.
So, like I said, I really don't know everything about this yet, but I will find out.
So, there is the problem, and I have a solution.
Simple.... At least in theory, and for clothing designers like myself.
All fabrics and textiles (like yarn, glues, adhesives, etc.) should be tested BEFORE they hit the store shelves. The materials we use in our designs should be safe BEFORE we, the consumer, makes the purchase. Duh!!
If this bill continues into the new year, a HUGE conglomerate of women will forced to shut down their sewing machines, put down their crochet hooks and walk away. We will have to close the doors on the self made businesses we've work long and hard for and go stock shelves at WalMart to pay for child care. For SOMEONE ELSE to raise our kids.
I am pissed off at GB for blindly signing this bill and not taking into account who and how many is affcted by his naitivity.
Not sure if I will be able to pardon him.